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Product Description

SkateBritain have years of experience in mounting many different skate plates. We have done lots of research in how different plates and angles perform in different positions on the boot. 

If you have specific requirements in how you want your plates mounting, you can email us with instructions. If you are happy for us to choose, we will do it to the same position and finish we would expect from our own skates. 


OPTION 1- If you have just purchased your boots and plates from SB, this service is cheaper for you. Choose this option and add it to your order
OPTION 2- you're sending your boot or plate in to mount with a boot or plate you're purchasing from SkateBritain 
OPTION 3- Plate mounting service including return postage and mounting kit. For boots and plates that you already own.
Choose option 3 and include your order number on a note when you send your boots and plates to the SB address. 
OPTION 4- Removal of old plates. You'll need to purchase this separately if you have not already roomed your old plates 

The prices include the mounting kit



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Roller Derby

Customer Reviews

Plate mounting service